
Master Sidthichai Panomprai (Ton)

Date of Birth: 22 April 2003

Ton is a hardworking, happy and assertive young boy. Since a very young age he is very responsible and thoughtful. He is always there to help his friends. It’s a funny yet serious boy.

Dreams, wishes and favorites:

“I want to be a pilot when I grow up so that I will know how to fly. I’ve never flown before. I’d love to fly to another country. I love eating seafood such as fried fish, shells, crabs etc. because it’s delicious and they are high in protein. In my free time I love to play soccer and guitar. I want to be able to play soccer and play guitar all at the same time. I would love to have a watch so that I won’t get up to late and go to school on time and when I don’t know the time I can look at my watch”.