
Miss     (Ruth)

Date of Birth: 18 April 2006

Ruth is still a little quiet, but this is already slowly changing. She’s hasn’t been able to find herself a sponsor yet. She is always very helpful. Since she’s been in the orphanage she is happy to be able to live the life of a “normal” child in a stable environment. And she loves her new brothers and sisters.
She likes to dance and help out with cooking. And since she is a bit less shy now she loves to come over to give hugs!

Dreams, wishes and favorites:

“I want to be a doctor because I want to help and heal people so they won’t suffer anymore. So I can get rid of their pain and disease. I love to eat vegetables and fruits. I like to review my homework at and try to finish what I haven’t finished yet. Also I love reading books. I would love to have some nice shoes”.