
Miss Patcharin Kasetkunsub (Nana)

Date of Birth: 25 December 2003

Nana is very thoughtful and works hard. She always helps her brothers and sisters at the orphanage. She has a warm character and loves to cuddle. You can see she grew up with brothers, because she loves to play football with the boys and to do all other things that boys do. She is a bit insecure and scared to do things wrong.

Dreams, wishes and favorites:

“I want to be a singer because I want to sing to everyone and make them smile. The money I will earn I will keep it in the bank so I can use it in the future”. I like eating grilled chicken, papaya salad and sticky rice. In my free time I like to act like I am a singer. I wish I had a computer so I can look up information and find new songs to sing”.